RNA degradosomes are protein complexes that, by processing and degrading RNAs, shape the transcriptome to control gene expression.
In many Gram-negative bacteria, RNA degradosomes are proteins located at the inner membrane of the bacterium. The reason for this localization was not understood.
Using mutants that have free degradosomes in the cytoplasm, A. J Carpousis and his team L. Hadjeras, M. Bouvier, I. Canal, L. Poljack, Q. Morin-Ogier and L. Hamouche (LMGM-CBI), and their collaborators from Toulouse, demonstrated that this localization is important to preserve the quality of the ribosome assembly.
Figure : RNA degradosomes attached to the inner cytoplasmic membrane control the quality of ribosome assembly after the release of nucleoid intermediates.
More information :
Attachment of the RNA degradosome to the bacterial inner cytoplasmic membrane prevents wasteful degradation of rRNA in ribosome assembly intermediates.
Hadjeras L, Bouvier M, Canal I, Poljak L, Morin-Ogier Q, Froment C, et al.
PLoS Biology. 5 janvier 2023. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001942
Contact : Patricia Siguier